Recipes for Ramadan: the Shahrouk sisters’ team-effort chickpea fattah

Growing up, everyone in the Shahrouk sisters’ household had a role in preparing this entree, but it’s easily achieved alone as well

When we were younger we all thought fattah was the word for Ramadan. At the time, we didn’t understand exactly why we couldn’t eat or drink but we absolutely knew that if there was fattah on that table, it was Ramadan. One of our younger sisters actually used to call the dish Ramadan – but we won’t name and shame!

Our family is large. There’s 13 of us in total: one boy (the eldest), 10 girls, and our amazing parents. Fattah was always teamwork. When we were growing up, it used to involve lots of our sisters in the production. Some of us would be assigned to doing the dishes and setting the table, the rest of us were responsible for making the fattah.

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