The adventurous part of you is tricking your sensible side into falling back down a hole you’ve just climbed out of
from Lifestyle | The Guardian
The question I’m 47 years old. Five years ago, I got involved with a married man with two kids. The relationship was intense, hyper-sexual and obsessive. I felt uneasy and tried to end it many times, but was always easily persuaded otherwise by him. He started living separately from his wife two years back and there was terrible heartache with the children going back and forth. I was getting unhappier, more neurotic, and not in control of my see-saw emotions.
Then the pandemic brought immense trauma. First, my mother died, swiftly followed by my father and then, in the second wave, my sister-in-law also died of coronavirus. I have become entwined with my brother’s life, helping him resurrect a routine, looking out for his two daughters.
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