Tell us about the items you have lost in a breakup

We would like to hear about the things you have forgotten or left behind after splitting up with a partner

After a relationship ends, many people find they’ve left possessions at the home of their former partner. You might be happy to say goodbye to your toothbrush, for example, but what if you lost your favourite sweater in the split? If your breakup was not entirely amicable, getting belongings back can be tricky – and in the US, a company is now offering to retrieve them on your behalf, so you can avoid an awkward encounter with your ex.

With this in mind, we want to hear about the items you have lost in a breakup. Perhaps it’s an old record collection you used to listen to together? Or maybe it’s plant that you forgot to take with you when you moved out? Whether it’s something annoying like a laptop charger, or a an item of sentimental value that you regret not a having many years later, we want to hear about it.

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