My son is Spurs fan. It won’t last | Séamas O’Reilly

He’s allowed to support the local team – until he’s old enough to like football, and know better

“Where’s his gear?” my wife asked. The boy was due to attend his first football practice, and she was looking for his Spurs kit. She got it for him last year, after “we” decided he’d support his local team. I say “we”, because I do remember having that conversation, but never thought she’d actually follow through.

What I hadn’t anticipated was my wife becoming a Spurs devotee after watching an Amazon documentary series about the team, a telegenic squad doing their best to prove nice guys needn’t finish last. I felt like one of those people whose relatives have been radicalised by al-Qaida. Suddenly these boys, with their coiffed hair and shiny smiles, were seeds of my own destruction, agents for a permanent Spurs-ward swing for my poor, defenceless child.

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