I’m worried sick for my daughter, 26, after her relationship split | Dear Mariella

You must get on with your own life – and, if necessary, encourage your grown-up daughter to seek help, says Mariella Frostrup

The dilemma My youngest daughter, 26, has just split up with her boyfriend of nine months. She is a homeowner, a graduate and has a great job, but when her relationships don’t work she can be volatile and has attempted or considered attempting suicide.

Every time this happens to her, I spin out of control and become very unhappy. Her father left when I was seven months pregnant with her, and my eldest daughter was two. He has played no part in their lives. Once they became old enough to contact him they did so, but he is not interested, and neither are they. As a teenager she had counselling and medication when her mental health was challenging. Now, she will either ring me a lot or be silent for days – and I fear the silence.

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