How we met: 'I actually thought he fancied someone else'

Scott and Kate Wooderson, 44 and 38, met through an overland trip from London to Sydney in 2010. They live in Suffolk with their cat

Scott Wooderson met Kate Parkinson in 2010, shortly before they were due to embark on a nine-month overland trip from London to Sydney. “It was an organised tour with 40 people in a truck,” he says. “We all met in Covent Garden [in central London] to get to know each other before we left.” They met only briefly and neither remembers much about the exchange. “Apparently, I turned my back on him, but I don’t remember. I’m always a bit anxious in large groups,” says Kate.

They set off in August and quickly built a friendship. As they travelled through Europe, the pair spent plenty of time together, but neither anticipated romance. “I remember thinking he was really shy,” says Kate. “And I actually thought he fancied someone else on the trip.” Scott had recently gone through a breakup, while Kate was in a long-distance relationship with someone back home that “wasn’t really working out”. She admits that she noticed Scott’s adventurous spirit and was “impressed” when he fearlessly tackled a bungee jump in Nepal. “Everyone else in the group was really scared and he just leapt off. I thought that was cool.”

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