Cuffing season: are people really coupling up just because it is winter?

According to the memes, this is the time of year when singletons pair up … but only until spring

You can feel it in the air, the snap when you step outside that – in the absence of a warm hand to hold – sends you scurrying back inside for gloves. Cuffing season is coming. You know, the run-up to winter when previously contented single people start seeking shelter in the cosiness of a committed relationship – at least until the weather heats up again.

So goes the meme, anyway. According to the “cuffing season schedule” lately posted all over Instagram, October is the time for “tryouts”, as you assess your roster of contenders for an autumn-winter mate to “cuff” (as in, handcuff) yourself to. It could be a short sentence. By mid-March, the schedule says, it is time to “cancel or commit” ahead of the summer of love – though timings can be “subject to change based upon feelings”.

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